Waterways for Wildlife
The Waterways for Wildlife Initiative is a comprehensive, landscape-level effort developed by the National Wild Turkey Federation to address critically urgent conservation needs in riparian ecosystems along rivers and streams […]
Nebraska Partners for Fish and Wildlife
Nearly 1,000 landowners in Nebraska have joined with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) through its Partners for Fish and Wildlife (PFW) program to restore fish and wildlife habitat […]
Neb Forest Service Financial Assistance
There are several opportunities available for financial assistance with the Nebraska Forest Service.
Invasive Tree Management
Hardwood and conifer trees can be considered an invasive species when they spread from an area where they are desired to an area where they are not desired.
Five Steps To Assistance from NRCS
Do you farm or ranch and want to make improvements to the land that you own or lease? Natural Resources Conservation Service offers technical and financial assistance to help farmers, […]
Establishing and Managing Shrub Thickets
Shrubby cover is an essential part of the habitat planning process for bobwhite quail, but can also be a useful addition for prairie grouse, pheasants, deer, or even non-game species […]
Environmental Quality Incentives Program in Nebraska
The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) provides financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers in order to address natural resource concerns and deliver environmental benefits such as improved water and […]
Edge Feathering
Edge feathering, also known as “hinge cutting,” turns trees into shrubby habitat for quail and other upland wildlife.
Ducks Unlimited Heartland Heritage
The Heartland Heritage and Habitat Initiative focuses on a major staging area for waterfowl during both spring and fall migrations.
Ducks Unlimited Revolving Land Program
Some places in the Prairie Pothole Region are too good to let go—special lands that contain the magical mix of wetlands and grasslands needed by breeding waterfowl.
Ducks Unlimited Conservation Easements
Ducks Unlimited, Inc. is dedicated to the conservation of waterfowl, wetlands, and other wildlife.
CRP Upland Bird Habitat Buffer Initiative
The Upland Bird Habitat Buffer Initiative gives landowners a way to use a small portion of their land tocreate bird habitat while continuing to farm.