CP-25 Rare and Declining Habitat
Rare and Declining Habitat restores and protects critically endangered and threatened habitat and ecosystems.
CP-22 Riparian Buffer
Riparian tree buffers improve water quality and provide vital habitat for wildlife.
CP-2 Establishment of Permanent Native Grasses
Native grasses are an effective means to control erosion, improve water quality, and create habitat for grassland and game bird species.
CP-16A Shelterbelt Establishment
Shelterbelts save energy, provide wind protection for farmsteads and livestock areas, and control snowaccumulation.
CP-15A Contour Grass Strips
Contour grass strips are designed to reduce erosion and improve water quality by slowing run-off and trapping sediment.
Continuous CRP CP38E SAFE Habitat for Greater Prairie Chickens in Tallgrass Prairie
This Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) practice is available in the tallgrass prairie ecoregion of Nebraska where greater prairie chicken range currently exists, and in counties with high potential for range […]
Continuous CRP CP21 Filter Strip
Filter strips are designed to remove sediment and other pollutants from runoff water before they are carried into water bodies or streams
Benefits of Rangeland Prescribed Burning
Why burn? Prescribed fire is a safe, effective, and economical way to enhance native rangelands.
Cedar Invasion Program
Cedar Invasion Program – in conjunction with Nebraska Great Plains Grassland Initiative